Monday, September 30, 2019

Consumer Behavior Tv Advertising

Television advertisements are paid for by an organization (usually a business) to convey a message and to market or promote a specific product or service. These advertisements can range in length from a few seconds to several minutes and have been used since 1941. These advertisements usually get the prospected consumers' attention and often times persuade them to urchasing the product or service.This type of advertisement is in the form of entertainment and needs to be creative. Humor is one of the most widely used techniques in advertising around the world, with about one out of every five television ads containing humorous appeals, but do they actually get us to laugh or smile. Despite the wide array of contemporary advertising formats and media, television advertising remains the most dominant form to which typical consumers are exposed.Research on attitudes toward advertising in general (Att-AiG) implicitly assumes that the Att-AiG measure represents advertising as a whole. A ma jor finding of the current research is that consumers tend to have a mental representation, or exemplar, of the most typical type of advertising†television advertising†when they televtston advertising. To test for typicality effects on reported Att-AiG, we conducted an experiment to test that Att-AiG is closely related to attitudes toward television advertising (Att- TV, ereafter), because television advertising is activated when participants report their Att-AiG.he experiment was a one-factor-between-group design with seven groups: one control group and six experimental groups. A total of 134 undergraduate students from the same population as Study 1 participated in the experiment. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the seven conditions. Gender was balanced. Advertising and marketing students were not included in the experiment.. Each of the 33 items was tested across the 7 conditions via ANOVA and post hoc ests.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Being on Time Essay

Being at the right place at the right time for any person is extremely important to the daily life and military life. Being dependable, accountable, and disciplined are all crucial factors that go along with it. Being on time shows that a person is dependable and have his or her priorities straight. Being where one needs to be at the right time always one of the most important aspects of everything you want to succeed in. Failure to be on time not only hinders your time to get tasks done but also wastes the time of those waiting on you. If you want to fix this use good time management. It is important to realize that it is necessary for a person to hold themselves at a higher standard if the wish to excel in life, the military, or whatever you wish to succeed in. Punctuality remains and always will be an extremely vital aspect of military bearing and discipline. It has a direct connection to a person’s appearance, task effectiveness, and essentially every aspect of life and responsibility. I cannot place enough importance on how significant being on time constantly is. For instance; a person who is late or does not report at all to a place at the time stated effectively compromises and reduces the efficiency of which the task or mission at hand can be completed. It also makes it so other people are waiting on you to put out information. This makes it so you waste their time so then they may be late for something and you make them look bad. No one should every try to be sabotaging someone else because of their laziness and inability to be considerate of others. Not being on time also shows that you are not accountable or unaccountable. This is also a direct reflection of yourself and what others feel they should treat you like. Like a wise man once said â€Å"If you act like a child you will be treated like a child.† And really what grown man or women wants to be treated like they are 15 years old and have people hold their hand constantly. Not I not you not anyone. Also by getting this cause from the effect u made of acting like a child it also makes your ability to exceed and excel in life or the military diminish greatly. Also it makes you unreliable and that’s never a good trait to have. Time management is a way to correct this problem. By setting alarms to get up on time, leaving sooner to give yourself enough time to get to one place to another, and making sure you have enough time to do the things you need to do or the things you want to do. Also if you set things up the night before you will not be in such a rush to get things done the next day. If you do not have good time management you will fail in just about every aspect of life in or out of the military. Remember to plan ahead. Good time management is a major key to not make these kinds of mistakes. In conclusion being on time greatly reflects your dependability, accountability, and discipline. These factors affect your opportunity to excel and be the best you can be. Also good time management is key and a way to correct the problem of not being on time. Being on Time Essay Being on time is very important. It is a sign of respect to the person you are meeting. If you are always late, you’re creating a bad reputation for yourself. People feel they can’t trust you or rely on you, so it impacts relationships. It also impacts self-esteem. Being late is upsetting to others and stressful for the one who is late. People’s stress level is very high when they’re late. They’re racing, worried, and anxious. They spend the first few minutes apologizing. And that’s not the best way to making a good impression. So if you want to be on time you must first figure out why you are always late. The reason can usually be classified as either technical or psychological. For example if you’re always late by a different amount of time 5 minutes sometimes, 15, or even 40 minutes other times it is likely that the cause is technical. It’s a case of bad planning, of thinking you need less time than you actually do. Another technical difficulty for some people is the inability to say â€Å"no† to additional commitments when they’re short on time. But if you are literally always 10 minutes late, it’s psychological. You’re arriving exactly when you want. The question is why? For some people, it’s a resistance thing. They don’t want to do what other people expect them to. Another category is the â€Å"crisis-maker†. These are people who cannot get themselves together until they get an adrenaline rush. They need to be under the gun to get them selves moving. There are also people who are late because they worry they won’t have nothing to do while waiting. This problem can be solved easily. Always carry a book or magazine. So you aren’t feeling bored and you don’t have the feeling of â€Å"excess† time when you are waiting. And that’s not the only thing that can help you to deal with lateness. You can also†¦ †¢ Clean out your purse or briefcase each evening so it’s ready to go the next morning. †¢ Know how much money is in your wallet so you won’t run out of cash at an awkward time. †¢ Give up that â€Å"one last thing† before walking out the door. †¢ Think about what you could do with an extra five minutes for every place where you arrive early. †¢ Review your plans for the rest of the day and make note of things that have changed. †¢ Keep a clock in a prominent location so you can check it quickly when you have to leave your activities. †¢ Always keep keys, purse and backpack on hooks and a shelf by the exit door. †¢ Set your clocks 5 to 10 minutes ahead. Although remember that at dinner party it’s rude to arrive early; you might surprise the host and find him in his bathrobe vacuuming. In Japan, China, Germany and the United States being on time is the rule. In other places, such as Latin America punctuality is rare. Punctuality exhibits respect for the time of others; you do not waste their time while they wait for you. But it makes it difficult for Germans to act spontaneously. You can’t really call someone and say, ‘Let’s go for a coffee. ‘ Many Germans will want that date in their diaries for at least a week. Back in the technological dark ages, you couldn’t contact people so easily, so you made an effort to meet them on time. Nowadays if you are running late you simply call the person and delay or cancel the meeting. However that should not become a habit, because you may delay, but time will not. I used to be late all the time. But I’ve got tired of running down the street to catch the bus and bored of explaining to everyone why I’m late again. So I decided to deal with the problem. First step was setting my clocks 5 min ahead and it really works for me. But I realized that everything is in my head. I just have to decide that the meeting or event is just too important for me to be late. I won’t say I’m always on time, but I’m trying. As someone else said: â€Å"Better late than never, but better never late! † [pic].

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Travel, Transport and Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Travel, Transport and Sustainability - Essay Example One can ensure that they keep their vehicles properly maintained. It is a common scenario to see heavy soot coming out of exhaust pipes of some vehicles while others do not have such emissions. The reason for the formerly mentioned observation is because such cars have been improperly maintained and their car filters are at fault. If simple adjustments like that can be made, then fewer carbon imprints will be left and transportation can be considered sustainable. Individuals should also purchase and use vehicles that require less fuel. There are car models that take up too much fuel despite a number of distances traveled. In line with this, there are also other models that require a high minimum amount of fuel for them to start moving. Such cars should be avoided in the bid to make transport sustainable. Most four wheel drives and large vehicles fall under this category. Consumers should try to purchase vehicles that are electric hybrids. These types of vehicles have been known to reduce fuel use by about half the amount used by other types of vehicles. Drivers should also adjust the kind of routes used in their daily travels. This means that people should master all the routes leading to a certain destination and choose the most cost effective or the shortest one. This adjustment can be made by careful planning on the drivers’ part. Drivers should also avoid routes that are characterized by heavy traffic jams. If these are the only routes available, then users can try passing through the place earlier or later than usual to minimize on fuel wastage. se on fuel wastage. Air conditioning in vehicles is another heavy fuel user. Zero Waste New Zealand Trust (2006) establishes that one can be economise about ten percent of fuel usage if they do not use air conditioning. A simple but cleaner way of achieving the same result would be pulling down the windows on one's automobile. Another economical way of travelling is by avoiding personal cars. If almost every individual in the country uses a personal car, then more fuel is consumed and the country will have a large output of carbon emissions. Alternatives to the use of personal cars include: Use of public transport Walking Biking Using school buses rather than personally driving the children to school. Walking is one of the most efficient means of saving fuel because studies have shown that all other modes of transport aren't. Taking the example of a vehicle that uses petrol or diesel. Three quarters of the fuel is lost as heat, about nineteen percent is used to rise above inertia of the car material used and only one percent is used to

Friday, September 27, 2019

Black Power Movement (Nationalism) Research Paper

Black Power Movement (Nationalism) - Research Paper Example The society appeared less concerned about these issues and it dawned on majority of African Americans that nothing would come on silver plate. There was need for persistence in form of struggle, which saw some advocate for non-violent means while radical African Americans advocated for ‘all’ possible means, whichever form to reclaim African identity1. Black power movement (BPM) therefore became one of the avenues African Americans pursued their economic, political, social, and cultural recognition2. Largely based on its principles, The Black Power Movement agitated for racial pride, self-determination, economic independence, and social equality, and this was to be through creation of black political and cultural institutions. The Black Power Movement, especially the Black Nationalism is of interest to this study, and effort will be made in studying its origin, development, activities, pioneers, and also its success and failures. African American as victims of oppression African Americans’ history in USA has for a long time been bracketed with aspects of oppression, discrimination, and prejudice. African Americans, for a long time since the days of slavery, Civil War, to Civil Rights Movements, have been isolated and sidelined from the main sources of economy, political, social, and cultural aspects and as a result, African Americans identity in major American social institutions has been portrayed as of ‘strangers’. Andrew P. Smallwood observes that African American history has for a long time reflected struggle of minority people in an oppressive society struggling to win over negative social forces, which unfortunately have remained alive since the pre-slavery period all the way to post-slavery world3. According to the scholar, for a long time, African Americans have been victims of negative and prejudicial laws and social values and beliefs and as a result, African Americans’ struggle has adopted numerous alternatives of fighting these vices. In the same perspectives, Jeffrey G. Ogbar observes that for a long time, and as early as when African Americans arrived in USA, America appeared to be a country with huge cultural investment in attempts to construct and establish white supremacy. Moreover, the aim for such construction for ages has remained giving whites’ exclusive access to wide range of social, political, and economic opportunities in order to affirm Black inferiority4. It is sad to note that African Americans, in all aspects and angles of life, remained victims of incessant attacks against their humanity, which was reflected at federal, state, and local levels, and laws and customs were created and enacted, tending to push African Americans into the social doldrums of American citizenship. In an ironic gesture, Africans Americans for a long time resided in a country that prided itself and celebrated freedom, democracy, and equality, but for African Americans, life remained frustra ting and hopeless, as majority of them were excluded from major social institutions and processes. Everywhere one could move, African Americans identity had become an alien that everybody ascribed to the white supremacy was supposed to trample upon. In the media, legal, education, government, and so on, African Americans had a ‘sealed’ case-of exclusion, isolation, prejudice, mockery, and total discrimination and nothing could change this. The situation

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Richard Kims Lost Name Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Richard Kims Lost Name - Essay Example Korean echoes the boy’s worries about the changes he sees at school. The Koreans are confused about the new set of practices the Japanese authorities subject them to. Their only option is to subject to their masters. The Koreans were forced to renounce their names. Instead, they took up new Japanese names. This is something that does not go well with the Korean people. They have a feeling that the ancestors must be angry about the change of names. They must be angry that the colonizers are stealing their cultural identity. At one point, the narrator’s father takes the young boy to the cemetery so that they can ask the ancestors to forgive them for humiliation- the dropping of the ancestral names (Kim, 6). The Koreans underwent tough and painful times under the Japanese rule. Colonization led to the loss of cultural heritage among the Korean people. Their nationality was the destroyed-a painful experience that they must live with. The boy, in Lost Name, says, "my new nam e, my old name, my true name, my not-true name?" (Kim, 57). This quote illustrates the confusion that the Koreans have after their colonial masters change their names. The colonization also came with civility. The Koreans were required to attend school; they improved infrastructure; Korea became more industrialized; urban centers grew and the economy improved. These are the positive aspects of the colonization. Political analysts argue that, despite the high handedness and brutality used by the colonizers on the Koreans, Korea became financially stable and prosperous than it was some decades back (Kim, 89). The Koreans responded by minor protests but these were thwarted by the Japanese military who crushed any dissidents. Most of them failed to adapt their new names; instead preferring their ancestral names. They considered their culture superior to any other. They fought to protect their cultural heritage and regain their lost pride.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Information for Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Information for Marketing - Assignment Example Their investments are across Middle East and North America (Clare, 2006). This they do by providing hybrid capital investments, finances and equity to a range of clients, whether large or small corporations, entrepreneurial guided or even businesses. By the 31st f December 2011, the bank had financial services, investment management and banking as its major divisions. Activities in the banking sector include finance provision, receiving of deposits, services related with treasury, structured products and securities trading. On the other hand, the segment of investment management involves quoted equities, the real estate and private equity. Finally, the financing services include the corporate finance, business advisory services as well as brokerage services. The bank delivers services and products to the wholesale, high net worth individuals and institutions across asset classes (Esposito, 2004). The bank’s mission is to be commitment to excellence in the delivery of Sharia compliant investment banking products and services. With the international rapid growth of Islamic finance, the EIIB’s categorical business model aims to fill the gap between western financial markets and those belonging to the Islamic world. They are particularly showing their determination in this pursuit because of the confidence they boast due to their unique position to benefit from London as the head financial center globally. In their annual report of 2006, they stated that their capabilities were then in place largely, and that in the subsequent year, they would demonstrate their teams full capabilities in the structuring and distribution of innovative and more developed products. This bank was formed and incorporated in 2005 January 11,th with the key objective of attaining a license as the very first independent FSA authorized Sharia compliant Islamic Investment Bank in the United

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Leadership in a Global Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Leadership in a Global Environment - Essay Example Management at the global level has resulted in a massive capacity strain on leadership and leadership strategies owing to the multicultural nature of the staff. In a multicultural managerial environment, leaders encounter a workforce with varying religious, political, cultural and racial backgrounds. As such, they view numerous things that are relevant in the workplace differently. The difference in the views may result in conflict among members of the workforce or between the management and the staff members (Griffin 2006, p. 72). For an entity seeking to establish a subsidiary in a different country, it is vital for the leadership of the company to adopt a leadership style, which will resonate well with the culture and the ideals of the new country. If such factors are overlooked, the human resource department will experience many challenges that will result in reduced output per employee. Some societies value individualism, for instance, in the western nations while other societies focus on projects, which will uplift the society in its entirety. The leaders in the multicultural managerial environment must remain alive to the complexitie s that result from diversity. Diversity is a great asset to a company since different people bring different skills and perspectives in the entity. However, if leaders fail to manage diversity shrewdly, it becomes an impediment to the management. Multicultural workforces have become symptomatic with global entities. Hence, one of the steps the leaders should undertake is to ensure that the mission and vision coined are global in nature. Most of the missions and visions will be a reflection of the ideals of the country of origin (Toyota 2014 p.1).

Monday, September 23, 2019

Assessment Event Documentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Assessment Event Documentation - Essay Example The event is titled â€Å"An Investor-Consumers Forum for a Cancer-free Abu Dhabi’’ and will be hosted in Zayeed cricket stadium in Abu Dhabi owing to its large parking area on the west and east side of the stadium and athletic lane. The event is supposed to portray Abu Dhabi especially, western region as an investment hub while increasing awareness about breast cancer by running for cancer awareness. The previous year’s occasion for Abu Dhabi Investor Consumers Forum/Exhibition drew in more than 500 investors both internationally and locally. The event was welcome by the stakeholders and the sponsors which included the Fairmont Hotel, and Abu Dhabi distribution company (ADDC). Marketing of the event was done as an exhibition for entrepreneurial abilities and a forum for networking professionals, businesspersons and consumers alike. The event yielded much income from the purchase of wares by attendees. We therefore extend our special invitation to Baynounah Institute to be exclusive sponsor of this year’s event that will include women marathon to increase cancer awareness. It will represent free investment workshop and women marathon for breast cancer awareness. This will come with additional rights to the sponsors like being included in the advertisements both print, oral and view as the main sponsor. It will also give Baynounah Institute a chance to strategically position its tent and get mentioned in by every usher during the event to any new visitor. We are already working on increasing our social media presence as a way of doing publicity of the event. We have also designed banners bearing this year’s theme together with a portion we are locating to the name of the sponsor. Once we get a confirmation of the sponsorship, we will just place the institute’s name and print them in bulk. The same also applies to the print and television advertisements, which we have set aside

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Comparison between States of Pennsylvania and New Jersey Essay

Comparison between States of Pennsylvania and New Jersey - Essay Example Comparison between States of Pennsylvania and New Jersey Pennsylvania and New Jersey are neighboring states in the US. The two states border each other as New Jersey lies to the west of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania was among the thirteen British colonies. Its blue flag embroided by the state coat of arms was authorized by the general assembly in 1799. Its motto is virtue, Liberty, and independence. Its capital city is Harrisburg and main cities include Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Erie, Allentown, Upper Darby Twp, Reading, Scranton and Lancaster. New Jersey’s location is 40.223N; was admitted to statehood in December 18 1787. It covers an area8722 sq.mi it is a third state. New Jerseys State flag, which was formally, adopted in 1896 has the states’ coat of arms emblazoned at the center. Its motto is liberty and prosperity. Its capital city is Trenton and key cities include Newark and Jersey City, Paterson and Elizabeth, Edison Township and Woodbridge Township as well as Dover Township and Camden. According to the US Cens us Bureau in 2010, Pennsylvania has a total population of 12.7096 million from 12.2842 million in 2000. The same census puts New Jerseys population at 8.8016 million from 8.4306 million in 2000. Pennsylvania ranks sixth in population among other states. The population growth seems to be almost constant. There is no overpopulation as growth can be easily estimated. The city of Philadelphia is the largest city in the state, and the sixth ranked biggest city in the US. Pittsburg is the state’s second largest city followed by Allentown.... It is Pennsylvania’s chief port in the lake (Hart and Hantula 9). The state has several large lakes including the Allegheny reservoir which is an artificial lake in the Allegheny national Forest. The North eastern part of Pennsylvania is dotted with small lakes. Before the highway turnpikes were built, rivers were the best travelling routes. The Monongahela and the Allegheny two of Pennsylvania biggest rivers join to form the Ohio River at Pittsburg (Gwenyth 7). The city of Pittsburg also known as the city of bridges lies in the northern foothills of the Alleghenies, where the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers meet to form the Ohio River. Pennsylvania’s three-fifth is covered with forests. The forest contains the oak, hickory and walnut trees in the south while the black bears live the northern lush woods. Much of New Jersey is rich in natural beauty. It has many factories and office building that were not there during early settlement. Her forests and marshes are full o f wildlife. New Jersey is also known as the fertile farming land. It has sandy beaches stretching along its coast for miles (Heinrich 4). It supplies many surrounding cities with fruits and fresh vegetables hence its reference as the garden state. It is surprising that Lancaster County appears like a history museum because of the centuries-old traditions that farmers here follow. That others still choose to live in homes in this era without electricity and still speak their native Swiss and German languages is captivating (Gwenyth 7). Both cities are surrounded by water bodies. The Delaware, Susquehanna, Allegheny and Ohio are four great river systems that shaped the state of Pennsylvania. These rivers were crucial in the development of the transportation systems and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Literary Devices Essay Example for Free

Literary Devices Essay While attending my course on â€Å"War and Literature†, and listening to the conversation, I found myself struck by an intellectual question presented by another student. This student asked, â€Å"When does paradox become hypocrisy?† Immediately afterwards I wrote the response, â€Å"A good war is a war that teaches it’s mistakes without one having to live with them.† At first I didn’t know if I had truly responded to the question. I analyzed both the question and response carefully through the literary devices and found myself satisfied with the responses standing. When analyzing the response I first had to return to the question. â€Å"When does paradox become hypocrisy?† Referring to this question I had to ask if my response held a paradox. â€Å"A good war is a war that teaches it’s mistakes without one having to live with them.† Considering that a paradox is a statement that seems self-contradictory, and that â€Å"a good war† is the introduction to the response, suggested that â€Å"a good war† is a paradox. However, why is it that â€Å"a good war† is a paradox? War can best be defined as active hostility. Good can also be best defined as being well behaved. Considering these definitions and the response, â€Å"a good war† would certainly be a paradox because active hostility is contradictory to being well behaved. However, most would assume that â€Å"a good war† was the responses paradox, and to assume otherwise would be insulting to someone’s intellect. So then one has to ask how it is so commonly understood that â€Å"a good war† is a paradox? To conclude this question, one must consider that most of everyone was raised with the developmental understanding of good and bad. Most of everyone also would commonly agree that war is not good. So why do people still go, and why do we not learn from â€Å"it’s mistakes without someone having to live with them†? From statistics taken in the year two thousand fourteen, seven percent of America’s society is a veteran, and in that year there were near three hundred eighteen million citizens. That means that over twenty two million American citizens are veterans of foreign war. So how is it that we can convince over seven percent of our citizens to go risk their livelihood? We determined that war is wrong so how do we replace the ideas of good and bad? To better answer that question, it is better to replace the employment of a soldier with a painter. In order to make someone who is not a painter become a painter, one would have to go through a series  of tasks. First, cut off access to other mediums. Do not allow that person to work with anything other then painting. If they want to write a letter home, they paint it. If they want to create something three dimensional, they paint it. If they want to tell a story, they again, will paint it. Now there is no difference between the painter with their paintbrush, and the recruit with their rifle. Second, apply influences to praise the ideals. The same recruited painter now needs to be surrounded with people who share the same ideals. The painter cannot have the influences of sculptors, graphic designers, or any other ambassador of other art form. The painter needs the overall support of peers with the subject matter. This again, is no different from the soldier and their peers. Third, discourage all other ideals. The facilitator, who is regulating the transition between non-painters to painters, needs to openly degrade the ideals of all other art forms. The facilitator needs to make sure that th e recruits hear their passionate opinions about how other art forms are â€Å"wrong†. This will guide the recruits to also share the same ideals. This relationship resembles the relationship between Drill Instructors and their recruits. Fourthly, revival the title has a distinguished history of renowned individuals. For a painter, there are many distinguished individuals that made a dramatically difference within the realm of art. For some examples, there is Vincent Van Gough, Pablo Picasso, and Leonardo De Vinci. It is up to the facilitator to idolize these individuals in front of the forth-coming painters. This will give the recruited painters the expectations they need to become idolized into their new profession. This will also make the recruited painters strive to achieve the same honor. For the recruited soldier, they hear about the selfless actions of the Medal of Honor, Prisoners of War, and Purple Heart recipients. For them, they also strive to achieve that honor. Lastly, provide the graduate with a quote that brands them with honor. For instance, EARTH, Semper Fi, or Army of One. This will give the graduate something to display as pride and unite them forever with the other individuals who also have endured the same training. Now returning back to the question, â€Å"when does a paradox become a hypocrisy†, the response needed to be evaluated for the literary device of hypocrisy. Is â€Å"a good war is a war that teaches it’s mistakes without one having to live with them†, a response of hypocrisy. Through the development of good and bad, we have concluded that war is  wrong. To suggest otherwise would propose a state of insanity. Insanity is a derangement of the mind or not conforming. Since we have conclude that the popular choice is to say that war is wrong suggests that people who desire to go to war, miss war, or idolize war are insane. So are they insane? If the response, â€Å"war teaches it’s mistakes without one having to live with them† is true, than yes. However, the statement is hypocrisy and hypocrisy is the pretense of having. So reverting back to the practice of transitioning from non-painter to painter, the recruit became a painter. Now what if, during t he transition, the recruit never got the opportunity to paint. The entire time the recruit was given black ink to practice the techniques of painting, but never received oil or acrylic paints. The recruit sat through sessions where they viewed images of others painters and their colorful paintings, only to never receive color to paint with. After the transitions period, after the recruit was given the title of painter and hope to finally paint with color. However, the restriction continues and they again were never given oil or acrylic paints. They had practiced the trade for years without actual execution. The outcome is apparent. They will forever long to paint. This is the situation with the soldier. The soldier practices with blank ammunition for years, views images of warfare, practices the techniques of warfare, and never gets to execute their practices in war. The outcome is apparent. They will forever long for warfare. So in regards to the response, from the soldiers perspective, they would disagree because war cannot â€Å"teach itâ₠¬â„¢s mistakes without one having to live with them.† They themselves desire warfare. However, for sanities sake, they would suggest the response to be true in the company of other American citizens. This is the pretense of having and concludes the statement to be hypocrisy; at least from the soldiers perspective. So does the statement apply to other citizens of America? Again, the response to the initial question suggests that war is wrong and a sane response is to agree with the statement. This implies that American citizens do not see the statement as hypocrisy. However, how much money is accumulated over the showing of one Hollywood movie about warfare? How much money and time is spent reading through the stories about warfare? How often do people find excitement when sharing a conversation with a veteran where they can ask personal questions about their experiences? As peaceful people who agree with the statement,  American citizens curiously find something compelling about war. It is not my position to accuse the masses of being warmongers. However, to defend the integrity of my response, the response is hypocrisy. It cannot â€Å"teach it’s mistakes† if people live vicariously through the experiences of war. Without war that satisfaction is taken away and the entertainment lost, suggesting that the mistakes aren’t learned; they’re idolized. To propose other wise is the pretense of having or also known as hypocrisy. So can war teach â€Å"it’s mistakes†? Can the statement ever become true? Lets again look at the question, â€Å"when does paradox become hypocrisy?† and compare it to the response, â€Å"a good war is a war that teaches it’s mistakes without one having to live with them.† In order to make the response true we would have to rephrase the question. This time we will ask, when does paradox become integrity? We have concluded that the response to the initial question is both a paradox a nd hypocrisy, but we have overlooked one literary device. Personification. Personification is the representation of an abstraction in the form of a person. In the response we suggested that â€Å"a good war† is a paradox, and if â€Å"war teaches it’s mistakes without one having to live with them† is hypocrisy. However, the response also suggests that we have personified war. So in order to make the statement, â€Å"a good war is a war that teaches it’s mistakes without one having to live with them† true, we have to remove the personification and rephrase the response to â€Å"a good person is a person that teaches their mistakes without one having to live with them†. By removing the literary device of personification we have successful removed the other literary devices of paradox and hypocrisy, and gave the response integrity. If a good person were to teach others about their life’s mistakes, maybe others could learn from them. It is the gift from the veteran of foreign wars to express to others the mistakes of warfare. From that point forward, it is up to the recipient of the gift to learn from the veteran’s mistakes. War cannot teach it’s mistakes because war as a whole removes the personal aspect of warfare. It gives the individual a number instead of a valued story. However, the individual’s personal story, the veteran, includes the emotional toll of warfare. From that personal story, the audience can now begin to understand the dysfunction of warfare and that personal story can be identified as the gift.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Major elements of mega-environment that impacted Xerox

Major elements of mega-environment that impacted Xerox Xerox Corporation is one of the worlds leaders in process and document management using the latest technology. Nevertheless, Xerox cannot avoid challenges from the mega-environment also known as the general environment. The mega-environment consists of several factors such as economic, legal-political and technological factors. The economy has a big impact towards Xerox. Even though Xerox is from the United States of America (USA), not only the US economy affects Xerox but the global economy too especially in nations which Xerox operates in. This is because now, the world is borderless. A change in one countrys economy affects other countries as well. The Y2K scare severely influenced Xerox as consumers became pessimistic thinking that all computers and storage devices will cease functioning because the year was recorded in two digits. In 2001, the high interest rates caused a recession which had badly affected Xerox to the extent that it was close to bankruptcy. The company recorded a loss of $344 million in two years alone (Daneman, 2010). Hoffmann (2009) states that Xerox have laid off at least 20,000 workers in 2001. The financial meltdown not too long ago has also impacted Xerox. According to Digital Trends (2008), the company will lay off 3000 employees to support the organization in the midst of the worsening economy. Reasons given by Anne Mulcahy, the ex-CEO and Chairman of Xerox, include to minimise their cost and to increase flexibility by having operational improvement throughout Xerox (Digital Trends, 2008). Xerox has also faced legal issues as the legal-political dimension also affects Xerox. Xerox faced ethical issues in the past concerning its accounts. It did not provide its investors the companys actual operational performance (Mokhiber, 2002). Some accounting information was distorted and regulations were not followed. This went against the generally accepted accounting principles which landed Xerox into trouble (Mokhiber, 2002). Xerox, which Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. (ACS) is part of the company, was charged with unreasonable labour practices. According to Communications Workers of America (CWA, 2010), there was no warning given by ACS/Xerox when they dismissed fourteen EZ Pass employees who are union activist. Nevertheless, it was not long when they got their jobs back as Xerox was faced with protesters who dispute the management actions (CWA, 2010). Thus, it is of utmost important that Xerox be highly ethical. Besides, technology plays a crucial role in the development of Xerox. In fact, technology is the core of Xerox. Without it, there will not be any Xerox. Beginning as a photocopier business, it soon developed into a graphic processing firm (Bartol and Martin, 1998). Then in 1970, the Palo Alto Research Centre (PARC) was established for innovation, research and development (Xerox, 2010a). Experts and specialists in related fields were brought together to create new technologies which greatly contributed to the technology advancement of today. In fact in 1995, Xerox actually expected the booming of the handheld device industry in the next decade. Xerox became the pioneer in developing the touch-screen technology for palm-sized gadgets and this technology was soon patented (Xerox, 2010a). According to Bartol and Martin (1998), Xerox entered the digital imaging sector by introducing the DocuTech. With this machine, documents are able to be produced electronically from computers. Soon, Xer ox developed DocuSP which is able to tie digital printers to some computer hardware (Bartol and Martin, 1998). Thus, technology basically defines Xerox and its achievement. (b) Explain clearly how the major elements make up the task environment of Xerox. Xerox is also affected by several elements from the task environment. Components of the task environment include competitors, suppliers as well as the labour market. Competitors of Xerox are those corporations which operate in the same industry as Xerox and cater to the same group of customers. The industry Xerox is in mainly deals with office products and production equipment. According to Bartol and Martin (1998), one of Xeroxs tough competitors, Canon, from Japan was able to acquire a large proportion of market share in the low-end market. The public would most probably have cameras in their mind when one talks about Canon. In fact, office equipment generates as much as 77% of Canons total revenue while cameras only generate 13% (Holstein, 2002). Canon then took over the low-end market with Xerox withdrawing from the market giving reasons that they want to focus on the higher-end market instead (Holstein, 2002). Besides, Canon is entering the high-end market which had been Xerox stronghold. Holstein (2002) states that Canons laser copier market share in U.S. greatly increased in 1998 while Xeroxs market share dramatically decreased. Furthermor e, Xerox also faced competition from Ricoh. Ricoh began to introduce cheaper, smaller and more efficient machines (Funding Universe, n.d.). This definitely appeals to consumers as these machines are not only cheaper but more convenient. Ricohs plan was to get hold of the low-end market then proceed up (Funding Universe, n.d.). Thus, Xerox faces a lot of competitive pressure on a global stage. Suppliers are most definitely important for Xerox. Without suppliers, Xerox cannot operate as they cannot produce all their products and equipment. Xerox suppliers provide the company with materials needed for the production. Xerox is also lauded for its Supplier Diversity Program. Xerox has reputable relationships and partnerships with women, minority as well as service-disabled veterans businesses (Xerox, 2010b). Having a range of diverse suppliers shows that Xerox supports the whole community and does not practice discrimination. According to Xerox (2010b), the company get its suppliers to subcontract produced parts and assemblies. Besides, Fuji Xerox, its Japanese affiliate, with its business partners began to recognise the importance of social corporate responsibility in sourcing goods (Fuji Xerox, 2010). The companies looked into the issue and effects towards the environment and human rights (Fuji Xerox, 2010). The labour market is also important to Xerox. With companies like Xerox, employees are expected to be computer-literate and to be continuously innovative (Daft, 2010). However, the labour market is influenced by several parties such as labour unions and employees association (Daft, 2010). In 2008, Xerox stated that agreements concerning early retirements and medical benefits made after 1995 will no longer be valid in 2010 (West, 2009). According to West (2009), members of the Association of Retired Xerox Employees (ARXE) did a peaceful protest as they wanted to voice their concerns at the Annual Stockholders meeting. In 1980, over a hundred thousand of Xerox employees were trained in the Leadership through Quality program (Bartol and Martin, 1998). The employees addressed environmental issues and focused on quality improvements (Future 500, 2010). Xerox managed to save cost thus increasing its profit. Therefore, Xerox must pay close attention to all factors of the task environment as they affect the company in various ways. (c) Discuss the organizational cultures at Xerox during the McCullough and Kearns eras. Both Peter McCullough and David Kearns were prominent individuals in Xerox. Each of them impacted Xerox differently during different times. Both CEOs projected different organisational cultures in Xerox. According to The Times 100 (2010), organisational culture is the way things are seen and done. The culture summarises what is good and has been a success in the past (The Times 100, 2010). Nevertheless, there can be a culture shift when new managers replace the old ones like Kearns taking over as CEO of Xerox from McCullough which may change the organisations culture (The Times 100, 2010). In 1968, McCullough became the CEO of Xerox (Bartol and Martin, 1998). According to Rao (2007), McCullough greatly understood the importance and the necessity of new inventive technology. He had much confidence in research and development which resulted in the establishment of PARC. He focused a lot on innovation and development of new ideas. Thus, an entrepreneurial culture at his time. McCullough also increased the levels of the hierarchy in Xerox to manage the companys growth (Bartol and Martin, 1998). However, he overdid it which resulted in red tape. The elements of culture during the McCullough era points Xerox as a mix of Apollo and Athena organisation. There is an integration of role and task culture because McCullough emphasised on innovation while making Xerox more organised and bureaucratic as well. The red tape greatly affected Xeroxs product development. Furthermore, McCullough unwillingness to import a low-volume copy machine earlier from its affiliate, Fuji Xerox, resu lted in competitors taking control of a large proportion of the low-end market (Bartol and Martin, 1998). Then, Kearns took over as CEO in 1982 to 1990. When Kearns took control of Xerox, he was determined to change the corporate culture and place customer satisfaction as the companys top priority (ReoCites, 1996). He also focused a lot on keeping the cost low, paying more attention to customers and maintaining a high quality (Bartol and Martin, 1998). According to Bartol and Martin (1998), the companys structure became flatter as layers of management were reduced. Thus, there is more employee empowerment as decision-making is pushed to the lower levels. Employees also began focusing more on quality and customer service after going through the Leadership through Quality program (Bartol and Martin, 1998). This is in line with Kearns vision. He concentrated on customer satisfaction more than profits or market share. Hes judgment paid off when buyer satisfaction went up by 40% while complaints fell by 60% after the program was implemented (ReoCites, 1996). These are great improvements as th is will indirectly increase the profits. Although both CEOs portrayed a slightly different culture, they were important in building Xerox. Failures and missteps of both parties are taken as learning experiences while successes and achievements are recognised and remembered.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Investigating the Effect of Temperature on the Height a Squash Ball Bounce :: Papers

Investigating the Effect of Temperature on the Height a Squash Ball Bounce Aim: To investigate the effect of temperature on the height a squash ball bounces. Prediction: I think that the higher the temperature of the squash ball, the higher the squash ball will bounce. I think that as the temperature doubles so will the height of the bounce. I think that they will be directly proportional. Scientific Knowledge: If you drop a ball onto a hard floor. It will rebound, but even the bounciest ball will not bounce back to its starting position. The ball behaves like a spherical spring. When the ball hits the floor it exerts a force on the floor and the floor exerts a force on the ball. This force compresses the ball. The force that the ground exerts on the ball does work on the ball, since it is in the same direction as the displacement. The gravitational potential energy the ball has before it is dropped is converted into kinetic energy while the ball is falling and then into elastic potential energy as the force from the ground does work on the ball. But because the material the ball is made of is not perfectly elastic, friction converts some of the energy into thermal energy. The elastic potential energy stored in the ball when it has lost all its kinetic energy is converted back into kinetic and gravitational potential energy. However the thermal energy is not converted back. The ball on the floor acts like a compressed spring. It pushes on the floor with a force proportional to its displacement from its equilibrium shape. The floor pushes back with a force of equal size in the upward direction. This force is greater in size than the weight of the ball. The resultant force is in the upward direction and the ball accelerates upward. When the ball's shape is the shape it has when it is sitting still on the floor, (just slightly squashed), there is no resultant force. When the ball's shape relaxes further, the resultant force is acting downwards. But it already has velocity in the upward direction, so the ball keeps on going upward until its speed has reached zero.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Nutrition Case Studies :: Health Nutrition Pyramid Diet

Please read the following case studies and answer the questions which follow them. The questions may have several right answers; I am looking to see if you have put some thought into the assignment and that you give accurate information in your responses. Please email your answers to me by June 24. If you have any questions about this assignment, please email me before June 24. Case Study 1 Randy, age 36, and his whole family love football. They love to play football and to watch football. Randy played football in college, but now that he has a job at a law firm working many hours, he just plays every once in a while on a Saturday. In college he was in great shape and could eat anything he wanted. Now he just doesn’t make it to the gym that often and has lost muscle and has been gaining some weight. He is about 6 feet and weighs 250. Randy and his family also love â€Å"meat and potatoes† type food. On the weekend they often barbeque ribs and burgers that are washed down with several beers. During the week, Randy gets coffee and a donut on the way to work and goes to lunch with clients at various restaurants. His wife usually cooks dinner—just like his mom used to. He knows that he has been gaining some weight but he still feels pretty good. A few years ago his cousin was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Recently Randy’s father was also diagnosed with colorectal cancer. This makes Randy a little nervous and he wonders if there is anything that he can do to prevent or lower his chances of getting cancer as well. 1. Do you think that Randy is at risk for colorectal cancer? Why or why not?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Randy is at rish for colorectal cancer. While it estimates that the contribution of the enviornment in people with colon cancer is 65%, the other 35% is genetic factors, and Randy's cousin, and father have been diagnosed. 2. What dietary advice would you give Randy?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most types of cancers are related to factors such as high fat and alcohol intakes, Randy displays both of these attributes. His meat and potatoes type food is high in fat, as well as the donut he has every day on his way to work. The lunches out everyday at resturants I'm sure are not the most healthy choices he could be making as well.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How Does the Public Sector Work? Essay -- Public Management

If you don't understand how the public sector is supposed to work, how can you ensure that it is working? An easy definition of public administration is, â€Å"the implementation of government policies† (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2010), or, â€Å"the implementation of public policy† (, 1997). While policies and procedures seem to be continuously up for debate, it should be noted that, an informed public are the only sure-fire way to ensure that the public sector stays on track with meeting the needs of its constituents. People, as a whole, tend to appreciate good leaders. â€Å"It is the task of a leader to connect people with purpose† (Blunt, 2007). Why does this help us in the public sector? To paraphrase J.D. Straussman, leaders must have a vision, â€Å"establish direction† with regards to that vision, â€Å"align people by creating an environment of cooperation†, and â€Å"motivate and inspire members of the organization† (Straussman, pg. 4). Generally, public sector's have not yet embraced the positive aspects of what leadership skills can bring to their organizations. One wonders, what is so wrong with vision or inspiring and motivating people? Motivating employees should be one of most important aspects of leadership in the public sector. Motivated employees often show higher productivity levels than others. Often confused with leadership is the role of management in an organization. First tier management skills are highly coveted within the public sector. These skills are planning, organizing, directing and controlling (Reh, 2009) and are mostly built in to any and all management models in the public sector itself. Second tier management skills build on the leadership skills mentioned above, such as, motivation, training ... ...illsPyramid.htm Becketts, K. (2010). Four major functions of public administration: an overview. Retrieved from American Society of Public Administration, . (2006). Code of ethics. Retrieved from Bai, M. (2010, December 16). Is ‘triangulation’ just another word for the politics of the possible?. Retrieved from Goble, K. (2010, December 17). Top state issues for 2011 revealed. Retrieved from Americans for Fair Taxation, . (2010). Frequently asked questions - answers. Retrieved from How Does the Public Sector Work? Essay -- Public Management If you don't understand how the public sector is supposed to work, how can you ensure that it is working? An easy definition of public administration is, â€Å"the implementation of government policies† (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2010), or, â€Å"the implementation of public policy† (, 1997). While policies and procedures seem to be continuously up for debate, it should be noted that, an informed public are the only sure-fire way to ensure that the public sector stays on track with meeting the needs of its constituents. People, as a whole, tend to appreciate good leaders. â€Å"It is the task of a leader to connect people with purpose† (Blunt, 2007). Why does this help us in the public sector? To paraphrase J.D. Straussman, leaders must have a vision, â€Å"establish direction† with regards to that vision, â€Å"align people by creating an environment of cooperation†, and â€Å"motivate and inspire members of the organization† (Straussman, pg. 4). Generally, public sector's have not yet embraced the positive aspects of what leadership skills can bring to their organizations. One wonders, what is so wrong with vision or inspiring and motivating people? Motivating employees should be one of most important aspects of leadership in the public sector. Motivated employees often show higher productivity levels than others. Often confused with leadership is the role of management in an organization. First tier management skills are highly coveted within the public sector. These skills are planning, organizing, directing and controlling (Reh, 2009) and are mostly built in to any and all management models in the public sector itself. Second tier management skills build on the leadership skills mentioned above, such as, motivation, training ... ...illsPyramid.htm Becketts, K. (2010). Four major functions of public administration: an overview. Retrieved from American Society of Public Administration, . (2006). Code of ethics. Retrieved from Bai, M. (2010, December 16). Is ‘triangulation’ just another word for the politics of the possible?. Retrieved from Goble, K. (2010, December 17). Top state issues for 2011 revealed. Retrieved from Americans for Fair Taxation, . (2010). Frequently asked questions - answers. Retrieved from

Monday, September 16, 2019

Cast Away Movie Critique

Cast Away was a very interesting survival experience. Put a man that runs his life by time and lives a controlled and planned life to the second and put him on a remote, lifeless island which causes him to live his life completely opposite from the way he would if he were home. It was man vs. nature as Chuck Noland (played by Tom Hanks) on an island alone for the majority of the movie. Chuck Noland is a Fed-Ex systems engineer. The night after proposing to his girlfriend Kelly (played by Helen Hunt), he gets on a plane that is carrying a cargo that he is escorting.How ironic is it that he told Kelly that he would be right back and then ends up taking an extreme nosedive in the ocean. Luckily, Noland washes up on the shore of a remote island. For the next four years of his life, he is on the island alone with his only friend being a bloody volleyball he names â€Å"Wilson†. Then one day, a wall of a portapotty washes up on shore, and he is able to use it to make some sort of ra ft to hopefully get him home or at least far enough to be noticed and venture the roaring sea once again.After much physical stress and the loss of his best friend Wilson, he is saved by a passing boat, and is returned home as somewhat of a hero and viewed as the pinnacle of strength and survival. Only thing is that the only thing that pushed him to survive for four years is now married with children putting both Kelly and Chuck in a very awkward position. Chuck Noland kept his sanity with his repeated conversations with â€Å"Wilson, the bloody volleyball†. Before then he seemed to be going insane without having someone to speak to and attempted to kill himself.There was one major flaw, in my opinion, in this film. The movie skips ahead four years at one point without any explanation of what happens during that long span of time. I understand four years is a lot of time to cover but a little explanation of key moments would’ve done the movie better. Maybe, they should ’ve showed the development of his survival skills and new-found instincts. Also Kelly in the beginning didn’t seem to be as important and have much of an impact on his life but I would just mark this as a case of â€Å"not knowing what you have until you don’t have it anymore†.Cast Away was an amazing film with a phenomenal actor who was entrusted with an entire movie (or at least most of it) on his shoulders. The transition to the island was depicted as a hard one as Chuck Noland celebrated the feat of making fire on the island, something we take for granted every day as we turn on our stoves without a thought of ever losing it. Noland represents the average man who is placed in an unfortunate situation but is able to make the best of it and eventually solve his major, life changing problem. I felt Hanks did a flawless job of depicting the life of a business man gone wrong.

Radio-Movie Review of Mental Disabled Individual

Movie Review 11-1-2012 â€Å"Radio† The movie I picked to review was one I had not seen before, â€Å"Radio† starring Cuba Gooding Jr and Ed Harris. It is based on a true story of James Robert â€Å"Radio† Kennedy and tells the story of how a man who is mentally retarded becomes friends with the high school football coach. The coach befriends Radio after some of his players have bullied and hurt him. The movie opens with Radio pushing his cart through the street and shows a woman moving her child away from him, a man staring at him, and another man who almost runs him over calling him a â€Å"moron. I liked that they started this way to establish what he goes through on a daily basis. Radio is constantly looking down allowing the viewer to realize that he has some sort of disability. Other times throughout the movie members of the town can be seen starring and laughing at Radio. The coach ignores their behaviors and continues his friendship with Radio despite wh at others think. The film never establishes the exact cause of his disability but when Coach asks his mother what was wrong with him, she says the doctor just says â€Å"he is a little slower than most. As the coach got to know him, he learned that he loved radios, hence his nickname â€Å"Radio†. The coach tries to bring Radio into the team as an assistant. The school didn’t allow him to travel on the bus for the â€Å"safety† of the students. As the movie continues some of the townspeople begin to accept Radio while others are very irritated that he is a part of the football program. Coach always supports Radio and teaches him many things throughout their friendship. The coach’s family also comes to appreciate Radio and supports the friendship of the two men.The things that impacted me about the movie are the fact that it is based on a true-life story. The filmmakers did a good job of being realistic in the fact that not everyone is going to support a mentally challenged individual all of the sudden being a part of a football team. This is definitely the case. In my ideal world people with disabilities would not be bullied but would be accepted. This isn’t the case and the movie shows us this. Reality is that not everyone is comfortable with individuals with disabilities.One thing that bothered me about the movie was the look that Radio was given. He has a big front tooth and a chipped tooth. I believe it was at the end of the movie that in the credits you get to see a picture of the real Radio. He does not have perfect teeth just as the character didn’t in the movie. However, the movie cover picture doesn’t have the actor with messed up teeth. To me this shows that they aren’t completely portraying the character the way they should. They are still out to sell their movie and â€Å"pretty† probably sells better than reality sometimes.There were times in the movie that I was angry with some of th e people in the town. More than this though, there were times that I was proud of the coach. I was proud of those that came together to make sure Radio had a good Christmas after his mother had passed away. I was mostly proud of Radio for in return giving the presents that he had received to individuals that had been mean to him in the past. The movie is an inspiring one! There are good people in the world.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Casablanca †Hollywood Essay

It is certainly undeniable that â€Å"Casablanca† is one of the best known Hollywood classics of all time. But its illustrious reputation does not make it one of the best Hollywood classics in history. There are mainly two points to that claim, one is that Casablanca did not land a tasteful ending, and second is that the protagonist of the Richard â€Å"Rick† Blaine, considered as one of the greatest lovers in history, did not actually love Ilsa. The ending of Casablanca is obviously far from classic Hollywood endings, in which all the major conflicts are resolved. It is not that the ending was poorly written, as stated earlier, it is just lacking some elements of classic Hollywood endings. In the concluding part of the film, Rick and Ilsa had to part ways for second and final time. They had split up without the knowledge of what the other person truly feels. This particular aspect of the ending somehow creates a static noise in the readers because things remain unresolved, not to mention heart-wrenchingly tragic. Moreover, it is just ironic that event though Casablanca is one of the most loved love stories in film history, the protagonist of the story Richard â€Å"Rick† Blaine seems to be incapable of genuine love. There are several possible reasons why he had left Ilsa in the ending. One of which is that he had an insecurity that he cannot compete against someone like Laszlo for the affection of Ilsa. The second possible reason is much worse, he could have left Ilsa because he wanted to get back at her for leaving him in their first split up. Again, this paper does not state that Casablanca is bad film. It just does not fit the stereotypes of classic Hollywood films and love stories. Perhaps its unconventionality had made it one of the most popular films to be ever shown in the big screen. Moreover, the ending of the film and Rick’s inability to genuinely love makes the film realistic, thus less fictional.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Mercedes Benz Swot, Segmentation, 4p’s

Assessment Sheet INTERVIEWEE NAME:___________________________________ DATE:__________ APPEARANCE |Poor |Fair |Average |Good |Superior | |Dress | | | | | | |Body Language | | | | | | |Eye Contact | | | | | | | | |CHARACTERISTICS |Poor |Fair |Average |Good |Superior | |Language â€Å"introduction† | | | | | | |General –What do you know about the iti OR why you | | | | | | |want to join the iti? | | | | | | |Assertive â€Å"Can you explain an occasion when you have | | | | | | |had to motivate and boost the morale of your | | | | | | |colleagues†. | | | | | | |Achievement-oriented â€Å"Describe a time when you made a | | | | | | |suggestion to improve the work in your organization. | | | | | | |Stress Management â€Å"How do you feel about working | | | | | | |nights and weekends? † | | | | | | |Strategic Thinking â€Å"if you have 2 demotivated Students| | | | | | |in your class what will you do to motivate them ? † | | | | | | |Outgoing â€Å"Wh en do you give-up? † | | | | | | |Open â€Å"why do you want to be soft-skills instructor? | | | | | | |General | | | | | | |â€Å"Tell me about a time when you were working alone and | | | | | | |needed to motivate yourself. What were the | | | | | | |circumstances, and how did you do it? † | | | | | | |Leadership â€Å"would you prefer to lead or to follow? _ | | | | | | |â€Å"if you have an idea, How do you get others to accept | | | | | | |your ideas? †Ã‚  _†what do the traits that should be found| | | | | | |in the leader? â€Å" | | | | | | |â€Å"Tell me about a time when you were working alone and | | | | | | |needed to motivate yourself. What were the | | | | | | |circumstances, and how did you do it? | | | | | | |Vision â€Å"what do you see your self after 5 years† â€Å" do | | | | | | |you see that soft skills will help you achieving your | | | | | | |goal? † | | | | | | |Ability to learn â€Å"Do you take initiative to lear n | | | | | | |something new, or you wait till you are ordered to do | | | | | | |so? | | | | | | | | |GOALS/PERCEPTION OF SELF |Poor |Fair |Average |Good |Superior | |Realistic appraisal of self | | | | | | |Reason for interest in field | | | | | | | | |OVERALL |Poor |Fair |Average |Good |Superior | |EVALUATION | | | | | | |ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: |

Friday, September 13, 2019

A case study on the murder of Zahid Mubarak, in a young offenders Essay

A case study on the murder of Zahid Mubarak, in a young offenders institute feltham - Essay Example Black inmates felt that they were being â€Å"stereotyped† as being more aggressive and violent and blamed for bullying than their white counterparts. There was also an uncanny tendency among the prison officials to think of â€Å"Blacks† as either drug peddlers or drug takers and there was twice the tendency for them to be tested for drugs than the white inmates. Many of the Black inmates complained that the Black and Ethnic minorities prison officers â€Å"turned a blind eye† to this racial discrimination in order to fit in or be in par with the white officers. Stewart was shifted to Feltham just at a time when it was overcrowded with prisoners and it did not have the necessary staff to cope with the ever growing population. On the whole Feltham was being asked to do too much with too little resources. Moreover the prison also suffered badly from institutional racism and the staff was poorly equipped to deal with it. The case highlights the brutal character of Juvenile detention as well as the criminal tactics used by the ever-growing number of alienated and disturbed youth. Feltham is a prime example of the corrosive atmosphere exists throughout Britain’s penal system, especially in youth detention Institutions. In March 1999, Sir David Ramsbotham, the chief inspector of prisons surveyed the deplorable conditions at Feltham and stated that it was â€Å"totally unacceptable†. The care of those in remand and those boys below eighteen were described by him as â€Å"institutionalized deprivation†. More than 5,000 prisoner to prisoner assaults had taken place over the last ten years. Feltham had seven suicides within the institution and four governors in the past six months. Further investigation by Ramsbotham revealed that young prisoners were spending long hours in their cells. The average activity time spent by the detainees was around 15 hours a week. Out of

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Commercial Transactions and International Law Essay

Commercial Transactions and International Law - Essay Example UCITA applies to computer information and further defines computer information as "information in electronic form that is obtained from or through the use of a computer" (Grier, Keane, & Gilbert, 2001). When both hard goods and computer information is involved in the transaction, the Acts may overlap. According to Grier et al. (21001), "Many commentators suggest that only after years of litigation will we be able to say definitively which law governs which type of transaction". A license is a permission to use. In the context of computer information, the user is granted permission to use the software or the process of a computer program for a set period of time. They have no ownership of the property and as such they may not be able to review it, divulge it, or modify it. The term of the license is set at a predetermined length of time. If the product is sold, it becomes the property of the purchaser. In most cases, this gives the owner the right to act in several ways that are prohibited by a license. The owner may modify, sell, or discard the product. The definition of computer information is so vastly different from a "hard good", that it does not fit well into article 2. It required a redefinition and a new set of rules to regulate it.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Financial analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Financial analysis - Essay Example The flagship Barclays Bank has around 1700 branches spread across UK and other countries (Hoovers, â€Å"Company Description†). The group has its operation across Europe, Africa, the United States and the Middle East countries. The company deals in financial products and competes within the global financial services industry. The control and authority of an organisation lies with the corporate managers. Undoubtedly, it indicates that the managers must be conversant with the accounting position of the organisation. â€Å"The term management accounting refers to accounting the management i.e. accounting which provides necessary information to the management for discharging its function† (Anbuvelan, â€Å"Management Accounting†). Management accounting provides variable assistance to the management to carry out the managerial functions with more efficiency. There are a number of tools and techniques in Management Accounting arena. The whole process includes gathering required information and analysing them to make decision making process much uncomplicated. A number of companies use ‘Activity Based Costing’ to identify and allocate the cost of the products or services. This includes identifying the cost pools or the activity centres and within the organisation and allocating cost to the activities using the cost drivers. The assignment of the cost is done based on the contribution of various activities in any particular product or service. As this costing process considers multiple cost drivers with different activities, the distortion risk is minimised considerably, providing the required cost information. As ABC indentifies each of the overhead costs with the products and services, produced and delivered to the customers, the process is more advanced than the traditional cost techniques. The significant steps in ABC are identification of the companies’ key activities, identification of related cost amount, establishment

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Experiment 9 formal report Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Experiment 9 formal - Lab Report Example Methodology also involves description of procedures like recording of paired values and subsequent calculation of proportionality constants, means and standard deviations. Results section provided tabulated information together with corresponding graphs for the three experiments. This report also contains a discussion section revolving around findings made in the preceding section. Discussion proves whether the hypothetical claim made earlier is true or false. Finally, a conclusion summarizes main concepts of the experiments. Irrespective of their constituent atoms, all gases obey certain relations with environmental parameters of pressure, temperature and volume. Unique relation of gases to these parameters constitutes the three gas laws. This means that gases have similar physical properties, be it CO2, NO2 or H2O (g). While describing behavior of gases in relation to the three physical parameters acknowledged earlier, a forth variable, specifically the number of molecules, is used. The three gas laws explain behavior of gases when two physical parameters are paired. Technically, behavior of gases in relation to any of the three parameters is independent of each other (Myers, 19). In this case, a gas’ behavior with changing temperature can be measured by keeping the pairing variable, either pressure or volume constant. Practically, gases may show slight variation of variable quantities from theoretically expected values. This explains the concept of ideal gas law, a law that combines relationshi p of all the four essential variables of pressure, temperature, volume and the number of moles. Ideal gas law is written as PV = nRT where n = number of moles, P = pressure, T = temperature, V = volume and R = gas constant with a uniform value of 0.0821 L-atm/mole-K. As acknowledged earlier, relationship between two variables can be determined since behavior of each variable in independent of the other variables. In the experiment, the forth

Monday, September 9, 2019

Scientific principles and techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Scientific principles and techniques - Essay Example Mechanics are based on a few laws of nature which are evident without proof or argument. Mechanics is a highly developed branch of physics which is tasked with the determination and description of the motion of bodies and the investigation of the forces that are associated with the motion (Gross, et al. 2009). Suspension system The suspension system of a car is a collection of important systems that are located on the lower part of the car and are part of the chassis. These include the frame, suspension system, steering system and tires and wheels. The suspension of a car is mainly composed of three systems namely springs, dampers and anti-sway bars. Springs are based on four designs: coil springs which are the most common and are made of a heavy-duty bar that is coiled around an axis. They compress and expand when a force is applied on them to absorb the motion of the wheels; leaf springs which are made up of several layers of metal that are bound together to perform as a single uni t. They absorb shock in trucks and heavy-duty automobiles to reduce the force exerted on the wheels; torsion bars which are made of a steel bar that is coiled; and air springs which are made up of a cylindrical chamber of air placed between the wheel and the body of the car. Manufacture The material is commonly used is alloys of steel such as high-carbon, chrome vanadium and stainless steel. The manufacture process of the springs involves coiling, hardening and a final stage of finishing. Leaf springs are made from bars of flat stock and are heated to elevated temperatures. They are then formed by the use of a machine or by hand. Car springs are made by hot winding which involves heating the metal to very high temperatures to make it formable. When red hot, the bar is then coiled around a mandrel until it acquires the required shape then it is quickly removed from the mandrel and dipped in oil to cool and harden it. To ensure the spring acquires the required strength it is heat trea ted appropriately. For the leaf springs, the flat ends are attained by grinding. The bar is mounted in a jig and is held against an abrasive wheel that is rotating until the required flatness is achieved. A coarse wheel is used first then a finer wheel is used to ensure a fine finish and a cooling lubricant is used to ensure a quality finish and to increase tool life. In a subsequent processes, the spring is exposed to bombardment with tiny steel balls that hammer the steel and make it smooth and this ensures that the steel can resist fatigue and cracking after years of use. The spring is then compressed fully in order to achieve the desired pitch and length and this process is sometimes repeated severally. The coating process which is aimed at preventing corrosion of the metal is the next step. The entire surface of the metal is either painted, dipped in liquid rubber or plated with another metal for example chromium or zinc though electroplating. The spring is then tested through various quality control checks to ensure it adheres to the standards. Function They support the weight, absorb and reduce shock and help to maintain contact by the tire on the road surface. 1. Statics. At rest the coil spring is extended with the only force acting on it being the weight of the car. The leaf spring is curved at rest or when no force is acting on it. 2. Strength of materials. The springs in a car are made of a strong heavy-duty bar that is made of steel. This

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Development of Indian-EuroAmerican Relations from Contact to Essay

The Development of Indian-EuroAmerican Relations from Contact to Removal - Essay Example This relationship has consistently been marred by violence, broken promises and mistrust, and remains a key part of the American history. Early Indian-EuroAmerican relations were an ever-changing and involving area, where perceptions on both sides were not static. Indians had the ability to play different European powers off against each other, and, likewise, the Europeans did this with different Indian tribes. At this time, the two groups existed in a continually revolving relationship. Some tribes became nomadic, taking advantage of the newly introduced horses, while others settled down into permanent villages and made use of agriculture supplemented by hunting and gathering. Even before the first contact with the Europeans, Indians represented a diverse set of tribes that had their own interests, waged their own wars and formed their own alliances. Once the contact had occurred, Indians often welcomed alliances with the Europeans, or bought weapons and goods that made their lives easier (Howe 26-28). Relations between Indians and Europeans were marred by a significant effect that the Europeans had on their population. As the Europeans came in contact with Indians, they often passed on diseases which they (Europeans) had resistance to, but the Indians did not. In general, this transference was not intentional, and in most cases the Europeans were probably not aware that they had the diseases, as their immune systems fought against the effects. These diseases resulted in a high number of fatalities (Howe 28). At this point in Indian-EuroAmerican relations, there was a strong focus on integrating the two cultural groups by ‘westernizing’ the Indians. Many Indian tribes adopted aspects of the European culture and often chose which components of the new culture to accept and which to ignore. For example, the Navajo tribe moved from being nomads to weavers, sheepherders and silversmiths. Many other tribes or individuals converted to Christianity while others maintained their traditional religious beliefs. Some believed that they should unify with the Europeans, creating a peaceful coexistence throughout the United States. Others felt that Indian tribes should unify with one another against the Europeans (Howe 27). Some tribes created alliances and treaties with the Europeans to secure their own tribal rights and to work on the creation of a unified culture. One example of this is the Muskogee tribe, known to the Europeans as the Creek Indians. The tribe negotiated with George Washington’s administration to create a treaty, and developed a legal written code and national council. However, the influence of the Europeans on this tribe was not uniform, and a dissident faction called â€Å"Red Stick† arose, which resented the influence that Europeans were having on their culture. The uprising was not successful and resulted in a significant amount of bloodshed (Howe 28-29). The war between the United States and Britain in 1812 also had a significant impact on Indian-EuroAmerican relations. Despite the fact that some tribes attempted to choose neutrality in the war, most were compelled to choose to support one side or another. This resulted in many Indians fighting alongside either Americans or Europeans against Indian families or friends (Howe 29). This was an important factor after the war too, because many Indians fought on the losing

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Psychosocial Interventions With Psychosis Essay

Psychosocial Interventions With Psychosis - Essay Example A wide array of nervous system stressors can result in a psychotic reaction both at organic as well as functional level. However, the first line treatment for psychosis is generally associated with the administration of antipsychotic drugs and in some cases hospitalization, but there is increasing research evidence that suggests cognitive therapy; family therapy can be effective in the management of psychotic symptoms. This paper critically reviews on psychological intervention with patients affected by serious and prolonged mental disorders and the strengths and weaknesses associated with such types of therapeutic interventions. Psychosis is a mental state defining a group of mental disorders come into one singe head in psychiatry and it is characterized by certain common fundamental factors such as hallucinations or sensation of non-existent objects or phenomenon; delusions or possessing beliefs not based on reality; thought insertion, withdrawal, thought blocking, thought broadcasting lack of insight or being unable to understand the wrongs in the thinking or activity patterns. However, there are number of controversies associated with the psychiatric classification of psychosis, but usually the most common disorders come under the general title of psychoses are as follows: - Schizophrenia - Schizoaffective disorder - Maniac Depression (Bipolar Disorder) - Mania - Delusion (Paranoid) Disorder - Psychotic Depression Although these disorders differ in their symptoms but they consist of a common parameter that the individual suffering from any of the disease does not experience reality as most of the other people in general. Sample Case Study The patient is a female of 18 years doing graduation in a co-education college. She was brought to the clinic by her mother and sister for lack of sleep, verbal and physical aggressiveness, suspicion that the male faculty members in her college are writing love letters to her and making obscene gestures during the lecture and the fear of becoming a male. She had the habit of peeping into the bathroom when her mother takes bath. Sometimes she blamed her mother of appearing nude before her. Her elder sister and elder brother had innocuous relationship. She did not have any intimate relationship with the member of the same sex. The family disapproved of her friendship with boys of questionable character. Therapeutic Strategies Suggested The patient mentioned in the case study is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. In the initial phase of the treatment, she was suggested to undergo neuroleptic pharmacotherapy especially antipsychotic drugs. The medication has been found to be effectual in treating the 'positive symptoms' of the disease, the treatment of 'negative symptoms' has not very yet found to be very successful. Later on she was suggested to undergo psychotherapeutic interventions like reality-oriented individual therapy so that she could be able to cope up with stressful thoughts and events encountered which eventually reduce the risk for relapse, cognitive-behavioural approach helps in monitoring and changing the negative patterns of thoughts and behaviours in ways to make her able to regulate irrational thoughts

Friday, September 6, 2019

Preschool Literacy Essay Example for Free

Preschool Literacy Essay This paper is going to outline the myriad of benefits that high-quality preschool literacy programs will afford families, communities, school districts and the world. Today, numerous researchers are delving into HOW to establish an effective and successful pre-school program. In this paper, I hope to answer several questions: ? What is pre-school literacy? ? What benefits do participants in a preschool program receive? ? HOW do we go about establishing a high-quality pre-school literacy program? I am rather passionate about this area. Being a speech pathologist, literacy skills and communication skills are so interwoven it is difficult to separate them. I have to say that while going to school many years ago, we didn’t learn that much about literacy as it related to speech and language development. It is only recently that researchers and educators have identified the importance of how both developmental areas are linked. I feel that establishing successful and highly effective programs that incorporate family and child directed activities are crucial to the success of our young students. That being said, let’s explore pre-school literacy. What is preschool literacy? Most people hear the word ‘literacy’ and equate that with ‘reading’. This would be an adult analogy. For very young children, we don’t, nor should we, expect them to read! Early literacy skills refer to many different things, none of which is sitting down with Mom at the age of two and reading aloud for her. At the youngest ages, early literacy skills refer to children’s exposure and experience with books. The following list is derived from Schickendanz (1999) and Early Literacy (www. zerotothree. com) . It states that early literacy behaviors include: ? Book handling behaviors – handling and manipulating the book ? Looking and Recognizing- how are they paying attention to the book, pictures, words; demonstrating recognition of pictures, etc. ? Picture and Story Comprehension – Imitation of actions noted in a story, talking about a story ? Story-Reading Behaviors – verbal interactions with the books, imitating a pointing a finger at words and/or pictures. ‘Establishing strong early literacy behaviors is essential to literacy development and should be the focus of early language and literacy programs’ (Early Literacy, 2003) It is suggested that these skills develop naturally and unfold as a result of social interactions with parents and caregivers, rather than direct instruction. I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. Ideally, it is everyday interactions with infants and toddlers that include talking and book reading that help establish the crucial beginning stages of literacy development. I recently heard on a radio program (can’t cite it) that children between the ages of 0-3 years should hear approximately 30,000 words a day to build an effective vocabulary! Amazing. Todd Risley, co-author of Meaningful differences in the 3 everyday Experiences of young American children (Mangione, 2005), states that isn’t an intentional teaching of these behaviors but rather embedded in the social interactions. He believes, as do I, that oral language skills appear to be the basis of phonological processing skills, which is a strong indicator for reading readiness in kindergarten. As children move into the preschool realm, (typically described as ages 3 through 5), prereading skills are developing along a continuum, rather than as a set of discrete and separate skills. In the article Critical Issue: Addressing the literacy Needs of Emergent and Early Readers (www. ncrel. org), the authors made a very interesting point I’d like to share with you. They discussed the various stages of literacy development that are not relevant to this article, however, an important transition occurs when a child’s â€Å"‘reading’ of a story changes from sounding like oral language to sounding like written language. This demonstrates a change in ideas from thinking of reading as spoken words to understanding that reading is recreated from written text that has special wordings† (McGee Richgels, 1996;Sulzby, 1991). It is the beginning of the child’s print recognition. With respect to specific pre-school literacy behaviors that we should see addressed in a high-quality preschool program, the most important would be: ? Oral Language- engaging in rich conversational exchange with students, developing oral vocabulary, reading aloud daily, having children develop their own stories by looking at pictures (Tomie DiPola books are excellent for this) ? General Knowledge – what prior knowledge are the student’s coming into school with that they share, encouraging questions and new experiences with in the classroom, ? Print Awareness- being exposed to various written materials, some repetition of early literacy behaviors, point/drag techniques while reading ? Alphabet knowledge – the ABC song, recognizing sounds that letters make, letter recognition. ? Phonological awareness- Increased awareness of the sounds of the letters and how to play with them through rhyme, segmenting, blending, ? Pre-writing skills – later stages of development and exposure to writing mediums (pen, pencil, crayon, markers, paint), using journals with self-made pictures, word walls. (Roskos, K; Christie, J, Richgels, D, www. naeyc. org) How do participants in high-quality preschool programs benefit? I think I could go on for days about the benefits of an excellent preschool experience. For the sake of brevity, I won’t! Numerous studies have been conducted to determine whether preschool programs are beneficial and cost effective. The majority of studies suggest the answer to that is an overwhelming YES. 4 The Chicago Child Parent Center (CPC), the High/Scope Perry Preschool Program and the Abecedarian Project are all examples of highly qualified preschool programs. The CPC is recognized by the US Department of Education as an exemplary early childhood program. A comparison of the benefits of these programs was conducted, yielding what I thought were incredible results. These programs have been in effect since the 1960’s, servicing low-income areas in Chicago and Michigan (Lee, J, www.ccsso. org). In a speech given by Dr. W. Steven Barnett of the National Institute for Early Intervention Research in 2006, three separate studies compared the results of participants enrolled in the above-mentioned preschool programs against a control group that wasn’t enrolled in any preschool program. Their longitudinal studies revealed amazing results, which are credited to the attending of the preschool programs. According to them, participants in the program (as compared with non-participants): ? Were less likely to be enrolled in special education ? Had a higher rate of high school completion ? Demonstrated higher test scores ? Were less likely to repeat a grade ? Had increased earning after completing high school ? Engaged in less criminal activities ? Had a lower incidence of smoking, pregnancy and abortion. These benefits did not stop at the poverty line. They also demonstrated that middle class children benefited from the experience as well. He discussed the well-known fact that disadvantaged children benefit more when they are in class with children from different socio-economic backgrounds. An analysis I found very interesting was that ‘For every dollar invested into the preschool programs described in this paper $7 is saved in public expenditures’ (Lee. www. ccsso. org). WOW, think what that could mean to a superintendent’s budget! When trying to determine whether a preschool program could benefit those in the middle class, the US Dept. of Education, NCES, (1997) article entitled Dropout rates in the United States:1995 determined that middle class children have fairly high rates of the problems that preschool reduces for low-income children. While benefits decrease gradually with an income increase, the overall benefits are greater when ALL children are exposed to PreK. In an evaluation of 5 state prek programs conducted by Barnett,W. S, Lamy, C. and Jung, K. (2005), results revealed that in all programs, whether universal or targeted, students demonstrated gains in language, literacy and math. While all students (various SES backgrounds) gained, the low-income students gained more. Soooooo†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 5 How do we go about establishing high-quality preschool literacy programs? In an ideal world with unlimited funding, it wouldn’t be too difficult. However, we don’t live in an ideal world and much needed financing is often diverted to other important (or not so important! ) causes. Really, what is more important than education? One resolution could be to emulate the success demonstrated by the Chicago and Michigan programs spoken about earlier in this paper. In Rockland County, some school disctricts already offer a district-based preschool program. This year, all districts were alloted slots to participate in a Universal PreK initiative. However, while that is an excellent start to establishing a much needed entity, a lot of work still exists. During my research gathering I read many, many articles that discussed the family-centered literacy approach. Such as at the CPC, involving the parents and providing them with strategies and useful techniques to help their children empowers them and makes them feel useful and successful. Without parental involvement at the preschool level, literacy development suffers. Since the institution of NCLB, many school disstricts are seeking wasys to provide needed support to their students without it becoming a ‘special ed’ component or target program. Instituting a universal prek program benefits all. Looking at the various achievement gaps that Dr. Barnett identified in his paper, while there is significantly more of an achievement gap at the lower SES levels, there are still marked gaps in the middle class level, thus further justifying why ALL students would benefit from the experience. In an effort to establish successful high-quality preschool programs in Texas, the retired CEO of Texas Instruments was aware of the huge impact the Perry Preschool Program had on its communities and he was eager to replicate that success in Texas. Therefore, after establishing a successful pilot program, the participants wanted to be able to spread the success throughout the state and a handbook â€Å"Improving Early Literacy of Preschool Children’ was developed for prekindergarten educators. The authors and editors really were able to target what a high-quality program looks like with suggestions on how to implement them into your existing programs. The following steps are indicated to improve a preschool program: ? Set goals ? Create an improvement plan ? Build a classroom library ? Train the teachers and encourage collaboration. ? Keep rack of student’s progress ? Inform and involve parents 6 ? Communicate with elementary schools the children will attend ? Measure and document results (Dougherty, 1999) All of these steps are so important to developing a program that is successful. It is hard to determine whether one step is more important than another. Personally, I really feel that if the teachers and the teaching assistants and/or aides are given the proper training, every interaction with a child will take on new meaning. The Margaret Cone Head Start Center in Southeast Dallas has serviced predominantly low-income populations. As part of their language enrichment program (LEAP), each teacher attends six weeks of instruction at the nearby university as well as several workshops a year. Because of these teacher trainings, Cone Center children have produced improved scores on a variety of tests targeting vocabulary, language skills and social skills. I believe that involving the parents as much as possible and having them in the classroom for a half-day a week or twice a month lets them see what is happening and provides modeling they can use at home. Obstacles that I can identify at this point to establishing high-quality preschool programs that ALL children can attend include: ? FUNDING ? Private preschool programs vs. school district based programs ? Consistent participation on the part of the parents ? Difficulty providing quality training programs for the teachers and teaching assistants/aides due to lack of funding, time, resources While I feel there are many excellent examples of qualified and successful preschool programs in Rockland County, we do not meet the needs of all the children of the preschool age. As CPSE chair, I am able to provide special education needs to many children that require it. However, there is great variability between the programs that we recommend students attend. Consistent high-quality preschool programs would be beneficial to ALL students involved, not just the special needs children. In conclusion, it is a well-documented fact that preschool literacy education benefits all children involved. The need lies in our ability to establish high-caliber programs that are consistent, with staff that is well trained and caring. I think if we can distribute the information about the long-term effects researched and prove to the masses (school boards! ) that the bottom line would be cost savings to the community, we might see some change. I look forward to that day! References 1. Schweinhart, L. J. Lasting Benefits of Preschool Programs ERIC Digest. ericdigests. org. Retrieved February 25, 2008, from http://www. ericdigests. org/1994/lasting. htm 2. Dougherty, C. , et al. Improving Early Literacy of Preschool Children a Handbook for Prekindergarten Educators. Texas Instruments, 1999. 3. Lee, J. The Benefits of Preschool for High School and Beyond. Council of Chief State School Officers. Retrieved February 25, 2008, from http://www. ccsso. org 4. Roskos, K. A. , Christie, J. F. Richgels, D. J. The Essentials of Early Literacy Instruction. National Association for the Education of Young Children. Retrieved February 23, 2008, from www. naeyc. org/resources/journal 5. Mangione, P. L. (2005). Creating Language and Literacy Experiences for Infants and Toddlers. PITC Graduate Conference. Berkeley, CA. 6. Johnson, D. Sulzby, E. Critical Issue: Addressing the Literacy Needs of Emergent and Early Readers. North Central Regional Educational Library. Retrieved January 21, 2008, from http://www. ncrel. org/sdrs/areas/issues/content/cntareas/reading/li100. htm 7. Barnett, W. (2006, Jan. 10). Research on the Benefits of Preschool Education: Securing High Returns from Preschool for All Children. New York, NY. 8. Brain Wonders. Early Literacy (2003). Zero To Three. Retrieved January 24, 2008, from www. zerotothree. org/BrainWonders.